3 of the Basil Sellers Midge Point Art Prize winners - Jill, Margaret, Gina. The arts craft group meet each Thurs. Laguna Quays Respite -
CMS missionaries in Tanzania stayed 11 days, Mon a Minister / family
for 8 days. This is part of the 30 June End of Financial year tax
deductible giftings. Thankyou!
E-BLAST - SUN 19 June
Delma and Wes visiting Mark in Tweed Heads Hospital.
Mark's heart specialist last Monday (with Wes) saw him sent to hospital.
His heart in not pumping as it should -outcome - fluid in lungs, tummy
(bloated), legs and feet - the legs and feet release the fluid - very
painful feet. Legs need dressing every day - soaking wet. Given fresh
dietary, Mark home on Frid later afternoon under authority. Delma might
be little, but a mountain of woman.
Laguna Quays Respite - feet-up
- quintessential image of mission respite last week - this week CMS
missionaries serving in Tanzania coming in for 10 days. Wonderful!
Rume Kpadamrophe one of our international young writers of some years
is currently studying in the USA. His facebook posts are very
interesting. He was originally recommended by internationals young
writer editor Josh Robbie from South Africa.
Meanwhile the Internationals' News Bits
requested by Rose-Ann Durant (Ashea West os away this week) for this Friday 10 June, then the following week the NZ Newsy Bits and
the week the after Australians.
Mr Basil Sellers AM visiting
Laguna Quays Respite in 2015 reading the Visitors Book provided by
Terry and Cathy McMullen real estate friends Midge Point. Basil Sellers
wonderful partner from the 1988 Centennial Cricket Dinner - he was host
of the table I was on as the Aust Cricket Team chaplain. I'd been
chaplain for 4 years - much cred. His dad was a railway engineer. Lots
in common. Basil Sellers House AIS elite athlete respite, Basil Sellers
Young Writers, Basil Sellers Laguna Quays Respite funded 2nd mission
respite in SA at Aldinga Beach (Missions Interlink). Basil Sellers Art Centre and Art Prizes. A faith finance
supporter for family.
Table Tennis Table was donated to CYC Burleigh for their
youth camp. It originated in Moruya Basil Sellers House - Timeout in
Moruya where the Chinese AIS Gymnast coaches challenged Mark (chaplain) -
1980 Shell Australia Table Tennis title. It came with us to Tweed Heads
15 years ago. With the new prayer room it was folded up. I caught up
with Andrew Grant CYC Burleigh at church (Living Temple Christian Church
- Tugun Baptist) offering it (youth camp). It was snapped up and
collected. Table Tennis is a favourite in both Delma's and my families,
we both grew up on table tennis. Anthea in Sydney continues the family
tradition with a table.
Visiting the new Prayer Room at Timeout in the Tweed statistician for the young writers John
Grocott and the Rev Ben Kruzins a young writer for Christian Today
Australia and UK Christian Today. John / Ben visit Frid mornings to
ensure Mark gets a break from his hectic schedule, watch a DVD - mostly
military movies. After the DVD last Frid morning John and Ben agreed to
have their photo taken at the entrance of the prayer room - constructed
a week previously. A wall was constructed with an open entrance, the
crimson thick heavy curtain Delma sewed 14 years ago for the art studio
was relocated to the Prayer Room.