E-BLAST - 28 APRL 2013
Point Tavern - Basil Sellers - Midge Point Art Prize "Launch of the Entry Form" on Monday 22 April.
Photo - Neil Brooks of the Point Tavern the host of the art prize (27 July) and Kim Hanson who designed the Entry Form.
Art prize title: "Carlisle Coast Syngery" saw Kim Hanson place five watermark photographs on the entry form - Kim is the editor of The Chronicle the local monthly 8 page newsheet.
Photo - Neil Brooks of the Point Tavern the host of the art prize (27 July) and Kim Hanson who designed the Entry Form.
Art prize title: "Carlisle Coast Syngery" saw Kim Hanson place five watermark photographs on the entry form - Kim is the editor of The Chronicle the local monthly 8 page newsheet.